Madre Verónica
Short version (4 min.)
“Luis Valls didn’t give from his excess; he gave himself”
Forty years ago, Mother Verónica, at just 18 years old, entered the cloistered convent of the Monastery of the Poor Clares of Lerma in Burgos. Over the years, she realized this was not her place—yes, to consecrated life, but not in that style. She suffered greatly for years until she discerned a new charism approved by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Today, we know this community as Iesu Communio, a life of intense contemplation and love for Jesus Christ.
Mother Verónica says that the vocation can feel painful and difficult. But as Mother Teresa said, “Those who are called know it.”
Sister Paloma, also from the same community, shares her experience and recounts how she joined a joyful convent 25 years ago.
When Sister Paloma was a recent graduate, she worked in the Diocese of Madrid institution and had the opportunity to meet Luis Valls personally. In the first meeting, she was impressed by his culture and distinction, but above all, by the sincere interest he showed in the matters she presented to him: “It was his way of telling us, ‘I’m here for this, I don’t want to do anything else. This is the most important thing to me right now.'”
Mother Verónica, on the other hand, recounts that she met Luis Valls through a benefactor who connected them with Carlos Figuero, the executive head of the foundations. When he learned their story and everything they wanted to do, he offered them an interest-free loan. Mother Blanca, the head of the congregation at that time, hesitated a lot before accepting the loan, but Mother Verónica was convinced they would: “The fact that you have to repay it makes you fight; a person is forged in work.” Moreover, Mother Verónica tells us that Luis Valls provided financial support and gave himself personally, “he didn’t give from his excess; for him, it was a way of loving.”
Luis Valls was always willing to offer advice, even when he couldn’t help directly. His commitment to the well-being of others was reflected in every gesture and piece of advice.
If Mother Verónica could speak to Luis Valls now, she would hug him and say “an eternal thank you.” His influence has been profoundly significant, and his dedication has left an indelible mark on the life of the Monastery. This legacy remains in the hearts of over a hundred nuns of Iesu Communio, who intensely enjoy a life of joy, dedication, and the Gospel.