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Austine Omeno

Eastlands College of Tecnology, Kenya

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“We help the entire family, not just the student.”

For young men in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, who lack opportunities, there is an exceptional place: Eastlands College of Technology. This vocational training center offers various programs, including automotive mechanics, technology, electrical work, and business administration. The college provides dual training, combining theory with practice, to ensure that students are ready for the job market in a short time.

Austine Omeno, the director of this academic institution, explains its impact. As he recounts, the benefits extend beyond the individual students, often positively affecting their entire families. Thousands of people have been trained through this institution, which focuses on supporting the most vulnerable while expressing gratitude for the support received from Fomento de Fundaciones. The organization granted the college a €1 million loan, which is being repaid gradually. Despite receiving help from various other organizations, Omeno acknowledges, “We always have needs” to continue aiding people living on less than a dollar a day.

Mr. Omeno proudly presents Eastlands College of Technology as a place where dreams are nurtured, and lives are transformed, going beyond mere technical qualifications. His vision is more ambitious: to shape individuals of integrity—a goal pursued with great dedication and effort.

More than 500 students are enrolled at Eastlands College of Technology, and over 5,000 have passed through its halls since its founding.

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