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Antonio Ramírez

Regional Director of Banco Popular

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“It was an obsession with doing things well, especially those related to clients.”

The simplicity of Luis Valls is explained through various anecdotes personally experienced by Antonio Ramírez Redondo, who worked closely with the Barcelona banker for several years. According to Ramírez, Valls downplayed his work with comments like, “We’re just boring banking,” implying that being one of the most profitable banks in the world was a straightforward task. Ramírez recounts how Valls wanted to stay informed about the actual service provided by the bank, and the best way to gauge this was by reading customer complaints. In each complaint, he saw an opportunity for improvement: “It was an obsession with doing things well, especially those related to clients.”

Respect for people was one of the bank’s core values. Ramírez describes Banco Popular as a place where no one shouted, everyone treated one another well and even helped with specific personal matters whenever possible. His account says, “It was worth it despite earning less than at the competition.”

Ramírez recalls that “Luis Valls always surprised you,” which pushed you to maintain a high intellectual standard and ensure you brought your best to every conversation. He loved asking questions to see how you responded, fostering reflection on various issues, and avoiding the typical “command and control” approach. This posed a daily challenge for the bank’s executives, who were compelled to consistently perform at their best.

Valls also applied his forward-thinking character to the bank and its foundations. Ramírez highlights how the president firmly believed that money should also help those in need—when necessary and under specific conditions.

Antonio Ramírez expresses deep gratitude to Valls and concludes his testimony by stating that “he did so much for so many people without expecting anything in return.”

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Extended version (8 min.)

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